I'm always pleased to get to photograph any of my three nephews. Well this is Max and he ofcourse is the newest member of our family! Little Max is 3 weeks old here. He's so perfect Tracy and Perry - Congratulations!
Sandra, Dave and I made our way down to famous York street in Stratford for their engagement photos. It was the perfect evening and the perfect temperature, not to mention how easy it was to photograph Sandra and Dave. I'm looking forward to your wedding next year!
I love how friendly and spirited the Fisher kids are! What a fun family you have Scott and Roxanne, thanks for having me take your family photos.
I think my favourite part of my job is watching families evolve and grow over the years. I was priviledged to photograph Ron and Jacqueline's wedding in 2004 and now I'm back meeting they're beautiful and wonderfully natured daughter Rachel. Thanks Ron and Jacqueline, you have a lovely family!
I remember scheduling the Woodside Park specials for both September 27 and October 11 and thinking... that seems SO far away...yet here we are!
I don't know where the time has gone!
I don't know where the time has gone!
Well, if you don't already know about it, this weekend is the first of two Fall Colours specials at Woodside Park. We're booking 1/2 hour free sessions all day long; then you view and order your photos right afterwards at the park.
These sessions can be used for anything. Siblings, families, friends, engagement - anything!
Right now we have some afternoon spots still available if you'd like to join in.
Shoot me an email if you'd like to book a spot!
Talk to you later,
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